"The use of nuclear in Indonesia will not for war weaponry, but for human peace and prosperity," said Batan Head Hudi Hastowo after introducing Indonesian nuclear use in Taman Pintar here Saturday.
Indonesia has poses law on nuclear technology use, one of them is not for weapon building use, he said. Based on Batan`s research, nuclear energy use has been providing benefits to people in many fields.
For the plantation sector, nuclear has been used to create 16 superior rice seeds, buckwheat and soybeans which was conducted by Batan because Indonesia is still importing the main ingredient for tempe (soybean cake) production.
In the animal husbandry, nuclear also used to create food formula that can increase livestock`s weight properly and make it last longer.
Nuclear technology has also been used in health sector to help curing goiter disease as it was done for people at western slope of Mount Merapi, Central Java.
"Nuclear technology had also been used to detect ground water sources as it was done in Klaten, Malang, Madura and Gunung Kidul districts under the Bribin project," Hudi said.
Hudi said that there are no follow up steps on the nuclear power plant (PLTN) development plan in Indonesia.
"More over after the major earthquake in Japan that hit Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and causes some radioactive leakage, the plan is now delayed whereas it was previously accepted by the public," he said.
Batan will continue to prepare the human resources and increasing mastery of the technology because it was mandatory as mentioned in Law Number 17 Year 2007 regarding the long-term development plans.
Nuclear power plant (NPP) is planned to be built in Tanjung Ular Muntok Cape region, West Bangka where the feasibility study will be done at the planned site.
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